Odorite™ Ultra Deep Clean Enzymatic 30X (Hard Surface Cleaner & Equipment cleaning agent. (5L))
Triple-enzyme: Hand Soap in Foam and Gel Format plus suitably applies as a floor, hard surface and equipment cleaning
technology for food manufacturing facilities
Makes 25L, Triple-action Odorite™ Ultra Deep Clean Enzymatic RTU is the latest innovation in hand and other hard surface cleaning technology
within the food processing industries. The advanced formulation technology for removing greasy soils provides superior, immediate
cleaning of hands, floor surface soils, and equipment comparable to industrial-strength conventional chemical cleaners. The triple enzymatic action penetrates deep into the pores, nooks and crevices to attack and remove embedded residual soils rendering hands
and surfaces clean
Aerosolized grease and food spills collect particulate soils contributing to the build-up of grime on hands and floors. Residual organics
collect in the microscopic pores of the hand and floor surfaces, cracks, corners, and grout. Hands and Floors are not clean as long as
these embedded soils remain and detergents alone cannot penetrate these layers of residual grime. The organic deposits pack deep
into surface irregularities and are capable of producing malodours and supporting unwanted bio-film and harmful bacteria.
Specifically designed for cleaning of hands, floor
surfaces and equipment where traditional cleaning
products and bacterial based products cannot be used
due to bacterial swab counts (ATP meter) within food
processing facilities
• Deep cleans hands by removing organics, fats and oils
from food build-up
• Deep-cleans floors and grout by removing the grease
and grime that collects in the pores of the floor surface
• Eliminates the greasy floor coating that causes
• Improves freshness by controlling odours from residual
organics packed into irregular floor surfaces
• Eliminates the need for rinsing hard surfaces
• Degrades residual organic soils that help support
insects and other unwanted pests on hard surfaces and
• Breaks down bio-film allowing for effective sanitizing.
Additional information
Weight | 5 kg |
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